Saturday 6 August 2022

Going Dark (kind of)

 My Dear Readers,

Having returned from a busy weekend, I see that once again three months have managed to transpire since my last post. This dovetails with what I have been pondering considering its future.

Since oogle has seen fit to greatly limit traffic to this blog, it's now one of the least effective avenues for reaching an audience with my writing. I am therefore no longer planning keep up the posts. The blog itself will remain, perhaps for centuries, but I will seldom, if ever, post on it again.

I do have some unfinished series here that I'd like to wrap up some time, and of course things like book reviews will probably continue to show up here upon occasion. But don't look for anything current here. It's increasingly difficult to remain anonymous online, so I direct you to known internet influencers for your further edification.

Note: I tried to post this nearly two weeks ago and was unable to. Sign of the times.😞

1 comment:

  1. Google is trying to filter "personal blogs" out of web searches in favor of academic or corporate sites. I agree with them that people searching for information should be steered to academic sites first, but disagree about the relative usefulness of individual v. corporate blogs.

    Though Google doesn't steer strangers to my blog, I started blogging to communicate with long-distance relatives anyway, so I don't care.

    My site remains conservative-friendly. You're welcome to visit.


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