Monday 20 April 2020

Happy Birthday, Isabella!

Isabella Miller is now legally an adult, having spent most of her life in hiding from her evil stepmother. Although the clock only now begins to tick on the statute of limitations for charging her mother with a long list of felonies for helping her escape, Isabella is already free to enjoy the privileges of her American citizenship without risk of being imprisoned. And, significantly, free to testify against Janet Jenkins in her still ongoing civil suit against those who aided in her escape.

The following has been circulating in emails to those following the Miller Kidnapping Saga. I reproduce it without the variously added comments:

Isabella's story:
When she was 9, her mom fled the United States with her for parts unknown to everyone except the people that helped them escape the judicial tyranny of the Vermont Federal Court. Let’s hear the story in Isabella’s own words:
 "You see, my mother (before I was even a thought) had a lesbian relationship with another woman and they went to Vermont to get a civil union because same-sex marriage had not yet been legalized in Virginia. I was born in Virginia in 2002, and my mom, Lisa, is my birth mother. Janet Jenkins was ‘my other mother.’ Something marvelous happened to my mom – she was gloriously saved and became a committed Christian, leaving the homosexual lifestyle, dissolving the civil union, and that’s when all the trouble began. Janet wanted visitation with me. She wasn’t my real mom; she wasn’t even a relative; in fact, given the opportunity twice, she refused to adopt me. So the court battles began – first, in Virginia, then in Vermont, then in Virginia, then in Vermont and on and on. Visitation was set up and began erratically and haphazardly – missed visits, miscommunications. Finally, there were unsupervised visitations. As a 7-year old, I started wetting the bed, having nightmares and wanting to commit suicide; I was under terrible emotional distress, which the courts totally ignored. My mom stopped the visitation. The judge in Vermont was not happy, and he was going to give me to Janet as a result of my mom’s disregard for the court orders. On September 27, 2009, my mom and I fled the country."

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