Thursday 18 July 2019

To my nineteen followers, and the thousands of others who read this blog

Well, the handwriting is on the wall. Google had already taken over this platform when I started this blog in 2004, but it took a few years for the new paradigm to take effect. Then, overnight, I dropped from 25 hits a day to 12, and from second or third hit on a search to second or third page.
I always use Bing for searches now, and I've recently noticed that a lot of my lost hits from Google are being replaced by Bing; for one recent search, my website was the fifth one down the page.
So for now, I'll limp along, and maybe even see a brief resurgence; but sooner or later the powers that be will see fit to shut me down. By then I hope to have transferred these hundreds of pages of content back down to my computer, so they won't be lost forever. I may even end up making a book out of some of them; fat chance, though, of Amazon letting me use them to sell it.

Or maybe, just maybe, this may turn out to be another one of my famous failed prophecies. We hope.

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