Wednesday 4 February 2015

Indiana Revival Report: Days 17-19

Wednesday, January 28, 2015 shattered a few records.
To begin with, there were the students. Eight hundred of them, skipping classes from 14 different middle or high schools in a 3-county region. Then, 250 adults to form teams of four, spreading across the region with their young charges to pray for people. It was, by anyone's estimation, the largest organized one-day evangelism effort known to modern Christianity.  Then, that night: 3400 in attendance at the meeting. Eight hundred chairs were brought in and set up in the fellowship area to amply hold the record crowd. There hadn't been that many people in that building since the last Black Friday Sale back when it was a Wal-Mart.

If then.

On Thursday, another record: Ninety new pastors from the city of Elkhart joined together to hear what God was doing through Revive INDIANA, and another few dozen churches were now on board. More chocolate to go with all that vanilla!

On Friday, yet another record. A cabinet factory shut down its production lines for the bilingual preaching of the gospel, and 31 workers responded--all Hispanic. That's most of the factory.

Elkhart/LaGrange County is finally starting to see what The Church actually looks like.

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