Thursday 26 July 2012

New computer virus hits Iran?

This may be true, or may be a hoax. We shall see.
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- Iran's nuclear facilities have suffered a cyber attack that shut down computers and played music from the rock band AC/DC, the F-Secure Security Labs website says.
A new worm targeted Iran's nuclear program, closing down the "automation network" at the Natanz and Fordo facilities, the Internet security site reported, citing an email it said was sent by a scientist inside Iran's Atomic Energy Organization.
Mikko Hypponen, chief security officer at F-Secure Security Labs and the person involved in the correspondence, said he received three emails on July 22 from an individual with an e-mail address, receiving replies after he responded. After researching the person's name on the Internet, Hypponen said he found "plenty of nuclear science papers and articles published by someone with this name."

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