Thursday 20 May 2010

"Sue Thomas," Actress Extraordinare

Today I'd like to salute an outstanding woman by the name of Deanne Bray. I was introduced to her by the American Family Association, which sent me an email pushing a TV series in which she had starred as Sue Thomas, a deaf woman who was able to find a career on a crack FBI surveillance team. For some reason, I checked it out.

My first impression of Deanne was, "wow, she really does a good job with the deaf accent." Then I thought, "Why is it that they always have to get beautiful people to act on TV? What's wrong with using a normal-looking person? I'll bet Sue Thomas wasn't that beautiful."

Appearances can be deceiving! PAX, the producer of the show, actually put in a scene in which Sue Thomas makes a cameo appearance as a deaf actress named Deanne, who meets the woman playing her role. The irony of the scene finally dawned on me when I went to Deanne's website and discovered that she herself is a deaf actress. So, a deaf actress named Deanne playing an FBI investigator named Sue meets an FBI investigator named Sue playing a deaf actress named Deanne! They have a conversation with each other on screen, in English/sign language. What amazed me even more was to find out that Deanne (the one with the accent) is not quite totally deaf, but Sue (who has no discernible accent) is!

Deanne starred in Sue Thomas, F. B. Eye until PAX canceled it at the height of its popularity. She has since become a full-time mom to her daughter.

While I don't encourage acting, or watching TV, and certainly don't consider a show like Sue Thomas, F. B. Eye to be suitable for children, I salute Deanne for not letting fame ruin her life, like it has so many actors. And I salute PAX for having her call Sue an actress--an English word now close to extinction.


  1. You don't encourage "acting"? Seriously? You're quite the strange one.

  2. Life expectancy for actors and entertainers--not that high. Misery index? Not so low.
    Nope, don't recommend that career path. Few there are that ever get off it alive and well.


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