Friday 12 March 2010

US Navy discriminates against Barack Obama

There is, in medical science, something called The Iatrogenic Effect. What it means is that there is a point of diminishing returns in the practice of medicine, in which further spending on medical testing and treatment not only results in less benefit, but actual harm. In other words, there comes a point where anything more a doctor can do for you is going to hurt you, rather than helping you. Barack Obama may have already reached that point.

Provided with unlimited free medical care from the US Navy as well as his own personal doctor and ambulance, Barack Obama is an iatrogenic incident waiting to happen. He was recently given a blood test, for example, to test his Prostrate Specific Antigen level. There has been quite a bit written about this test of late in the New York Times:

"The PSA blood test, used to screen for prostate cancer, saves few lives and leads to risky and unnecessary treatments for large numbers of men, two large studies have found."

and this, by Dana Jennings:
"I’m angry because the two studies confirm my gut feeling – based on comments to this blog and on the stories of many men I know – that millions of men, especially those in their late 60s and beyond, have received unnecessary prostate cancer treatments that have, at the very least, damaged their bodies and lives, if not outright ruined them."

And this from the very inventor of the test itself:
" . . . men lucky enough to reach old age are much more likely to die with prostate cancer than to die of it. Even then, the test is hardly more effective than a coin toss. As I’ve been trying to make clear for many years now, P.S.A. testing can’t detect prostate cancer and, more important, it can’t distinguish between the two types of prostate cancer — the one that will kill you and the one that won’t."

But Barack Obama got the test anyway, because it's part of Navy policy to give it to men over 40. He also got his colon screened, even though he's not 50 yet--apparently because the Navy has him down as an African-American, and they are considered "at a higher risk" for colon cancer.

This is racial discrimination, pure and simple--because Barack Obama was not born an African-American. His wife was, but with her advanced education and ability to hire domestic help, I doubt she's ever served him the soul food that serves as the primary cause of higher cancer, strokes, and cardiac arrests among those who eat it.

The last time I was at the Field Museum in Chicago, the Races of Man exhibit was still on display, although it had been moved to its own floor. I imagine it's probably in the basement now. But it clearly showed what were considered at the time it was commissioned to be the seven Races of Man. Traditionally, though, there were only four races, generally divided by skin color, and based on the presence of melanin and carotene:

Red: High carotene, low melanin
Yellow: Some carotene, little melanin
Black: No carotene, lots of melanin
White: Little carotene or melanin

Now, there is going to be some variation in all of these broad categories. To nail down the various ratios of carotene to melanin, you have to go all the way out to seven races.

When we come to Africans, we find them falling into three broad categories: the White North Africans, the yellow South Africans, and the Black Africans everywhere else. The Sub-Saharans are further subdivided into the Nilotic, Capoid, and Bantu races: Black, Dark Yellow, and Brown. It is the Bantu, or Brown race that overwhelmingly supplied the genes to those now known as African-Americans, and Barack Obama didn't get any of them. He's a member of the Luo tribe, which is of the Nilotic race. Thus he's no more genetically suited for medical treatment designed for the Bantu race than I am. This makes him a victim of discrimination: not on the basis of his medical needs (so called), but on his listed race.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting information, and well stated, as usual.


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