Friday 10 April 2009

Will I be going to see The Cross this Eastertide? NOT!

Lately I've been thinking about people who claim God speaks to them. I personally know one such person, and I have to say it's rather annoying to have to listen to him. He literally can't carry on a conversation about anything without mentioning that the lord told him this or the lord has been showing him that. One would think that he has a direct line to heaven.

Oh, I'm not against God speaking to people; perhaps I'm just jealous that He never speaks to me. I wish He would; there are a lot of questions I'd love to have Him answer:
-Which house should I buy?
-Are the Dead Sea Scrolls more accurate than the Masoretic Text?
-What did He mean that a man couldn't divorce his wife, "except for fornication?"
-How many years ago WAS it that He created the universe?
-What day of the year was He born--or for that matter, which year?
-Which of the four gospels was written first, and when?
-Just what DID happen to those last twelve verses of Mark?

Alas, these are not the sort of things my acquaintance discusses when he and his lord have their chats. Only the first one would even qualify, and I can't say I'd trust any answer that came to that question as being from MY lord.

So, does God speak to people? My first instinct would be to say No. If God spoke to people, He'd have spoken to me, since I've asked--many times. But on the other hand, my God HAS spoken to people--many times. They are recorded in His Word.

God spoke to Noah and told him to build an ark. Noah obeyed, despite people thinking he was nuts. Sure enough, the ark kept him and his alive while the world perished. But later, Noah got drunk and was party to an unspeakable act with his son. Does that mean that we can brush off Noah as a phony and disregard the message he claimed to have received from the Lord?

This was on my mind the last few days as I pondered the mission of Arthur Blessitt, featured in a movie that just hit the theaters last month.

As he tells the story, God spoke to Arthur and told him to make a cross. He obeyed, and saw fruit come from that obedience; people 'got saved'. Then God told him to carry it up and down Sunset Boulevard in LA. Same story. New twist: God wanted him to carry it across the country. He did. Next step: Carry it around the world. He did. Last step: Carry the Cross in every sovereign county and territory of the world. He did. And at every step he saw miracles, healings, or salvations.

Now here's the problem. Was it God who was leading Arthur Blessitt on his record-breaking world tour, or Satan? If Satan, why all the conversions (including one George W. Bush)? If God, then why in 1990, just over halfway through his 38-year project, did Arthur claim God wanted him to divorce his wife Sherry and marry a young blonde he met on his trek?

My first question was, well, is this any different from Noah's indecency? My studied conclusion is, YES.

First of all: Noah never claimed God was telling him to get drunk. Or to get naked. And after he awoke from his wine, he didn't justify what he had done. Rather, he cursed. When Arthur divorced Sherry Blessitt, forcing her to go to work to support their handicapped son, [see comment #38] he was in effect cursing her. But Noah's curse was recorded for all time in the Bible. How about Arthur's? Well, nowhere on his website is Sherry ever mentioned. On his "Family Album" page, there are photos of him with his children and their children, but none with their mother. And, on a separate page, photos of "Denise, my Love." He even went back through his old newsletters when he put them online and changed the signature line from "Arthur and Sherry Blessitt" to "Arthur and Denise Blessitt."

If it really was God's will for him to put Sherry away, then why doesn't he want to admit that she ever existed?

On a related note, I have at least three friends who consider themselves homosexual. I say 'at least,' because I don't know how many more there may be. None of these particular three have ever told me that they are gay; I've had to find it out online. No, in communication with me, they describe themselves as 'single', 'divorced', or 'pro-gay-rights' respectively. Why is it that they don't want to disclose their orientation--is it not that they are ashamed of their sinful relationships? And so it is with Arthur Blessitt and his trophy wife. Oh, very proud of HER he is--but of their sinful relationship he must be ashamed, for he makes a point to never bring it out.

But what if he did? I know of one man who makes a point of introducing his extra wife with the information that God told him to trade in the wife of his youth for her. This same man says there's no reason to read the Bible, when you can just hear from the Lord directly--and little wonder, since what his lord is telling him is in contradiction to God's Word.

Arthur Blessitt, you almost had me fooled into thinking you were hearing from God. And maybe you even were. But whatever testimony you had is now shot all to hell by you claiming that God told you to commit adultery--and then covering it up.

Repent! Go back to your first love. Until then, you have nothing to pass on to me from God.

NOTE April 2014: This was, for a couple of years, my most-read post, and has probably attracted the most attempted comments of any post on my entire blog. If your first comment doesn't appear right away, sit tight: I will eventually approve it. If I find several comments by the same author awaiting approval, I will only approve the most recent one.

NOTE February 2015: It is interesting to re-read this still-popular post in light of current events in Elkhart County, Indiana. I speak of the revival that has broken out, characterised by many healings and salvations. Is what is going on now at any higher of a level that what Arthur Blessitt experienced on his walk around the world? It's worth pondering.


  1. I had no idea he had done this. How repulsive. UGH!

  2. I am a sincere charismatic bible believing christian who has a simple relationship with God. I have seen God do wonders in my life and family and those around me. As a young believer I was very much influenced by Arthur Blessitt's zeal but now I am also disgusted with Arthur Blessitt' behaviour . Arthur Blessitt keeps saying "God told me this and God told me that" In fact, he even said that God told him to marry Sherry whom he later divorced (as the commenter stated above) Does God tell people to marry and woman and then tell them to divorce her? If people want to marry and divorce, that is their business but to bring God into all of this and make out that God is with you all the while is the crime. You see, God can speak to us by the Holy Spirit but if we are all hearing from the Spirit and becoming wise through scripture we will know that Arthur was deceived at some point in the 80's and I think it was around the time he joined a wicked person called RT kendall in westminster chapel.
    I remember sitting and hearing preaching from Arthur Blessitt in London in the 80's with the false prophet RT Kendall who ran Westminster chapel or should I say basically controlled Westminster Chapel through fear tactics which included regular scary hell preaching, condemning others who did not fully agree with everything he taught and silencing people by making out that he is the Lord's annointed (effectively taking the place of Christ to his congregation) something similar to Jim Jones but RT Kendall is more subtle because he has alot of bible behind him. RT Kendall and Arthur Blessitt are still good buddies and so are they with the media channels and publishing houses and guess what ? They are raking in the money. Have UK and American christians completely lost their sense of honesty and discernment? Well I guess this is a sign of the state of the church which mostly right now is COMPLETELY brainwashed. This is not to condemn any of my readers as Christ is come for the afflicted but more to wake people up to the fact that these people are unfaithful and have become like teachers of the law and Pharisees. Everything they now do is to be seen by others. I have no problem with anyone being rich but not getting rich by exploiting people and using the name of God to do it. I also think if someone gets divorced, that is their business but we should try to do everything possible to repair marriages and divorce should not be taught as an option. Even many dead orthodox christians know this truth and christians have not advocated divorce for more than 2000 years. It is not the divorce that is distressing but the sin that is put on others by Arthur Blessitt by ignoring his wife, blotting her off the face of the earth. Well, Arthur if you love Jesus and preach the words of the suffering thief "Remember Me?".. and if God remembers the afflicted, then what about Sherry Blessitt? What about all those people who trusted you many years ago? They trusted that God was speaking to you in those times. Yes, maybe God was speaking to you up to the 80's but after that something terrible has happened in all of our lives. Brothers and sisters, let us come before our Father in prayer and ask our Father to remove deceptions that have been placed on us , ask God defeat his enemies and if you believe that Arthur knows God, that he come clean and tell the world as the apostle Paul would say " Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- I am the worst"... Yes the writer is a worst of sinners too. I have battled all my life as a believer and fallen so many times but God is faithful to those who are poor in spirit and seeking for Him. God is showing Himself to me again. You don't know who I am and maybe that is better for you. Just believe God is faithful to you. Be blessed my dear brothers and sisters.

    1. really appreciate you; 'specially the last few lines.....your sister in Christ, Anne; who has fallen so many times in Christ, like you; and like you, He has faithfully picked me up.....i want to remember Arthur in my prayers, and Sherry; their children---also Denise....

    2. During the early 80's my husband and I attended Baptist Temple in West LA,CA. Pastor Turner was a dynamic speaker and godly man. We were truly blessed as members of the congregation. Sherry and Arthur Blessitt and there children called Baptist Temple their home church. Pastor would often go with Arthur to minister on the Sunset Strip. Sherry was a kind and loving mother. I always admired her because she cared for all those children alone for many months while Arthur was supposedly spreading God's Word around the world. The fact that Arthur is still well regarded by many in the Christian community breaks my heart. I don't understand. Many other men of God who sinned and were exposed were ostracized. Sherry, Joshua and the rest of his children deserved better. I know Christ suffered and died for all sins past, present and future. I know if we seek Christ as our Lord and Savior we are forgiven but where is the repentance? I pray Sherry and the children are doing OK after all this. May the grace, favor and blessings of Our Lord fill their lives. It just goes to show our faith must be in Christ alone and not men who claim to hear His Word.

  3. Jesus teaches why Moses allowed people in the past to give a certificate of divorce. He explains it was because of the HARDNESS OF THEIR HEARTS. When a man of God divorces his wife for no good reason, he has committed adultery against her and the very fact he divorced his wife shows something about his heart at that time of his life. It shows that his heart was HARD. Some people think that all people who protest are glad about his downfall. My answer is No! and my hope is that God may restore salvation to Arthur Blessitt as he did to David. Jesus Christ is the WAY of salvation.

  4. Loving Husband5/11/2009 02:36:00 am

    If it is God''s will to carry a rotting piece of wood around the world telling people Jesus loves you when you don't even have love in your own family then I believe a person is living in some kind of hell. Jesus Christ is no longer on that rotten cross. He is risen from the dead. Jesus says " I AM the resurrection and the life" and his way, truth and this resurrection life brings blessing to us, our families and communities and the world as we know it.

  5. I have left the link above to Arthur Blessitt's website. Go and see his website and you will find out it is all about ARTHUR BLESSITT. You see no weakness in him but even if he were to claim that he has the Spirit of Elijah and was filled with the Holy Spirit from birth then listen to the words of Elijah against the yeast of Herod (Herod's yeast being an extremely powerful deception )

    "John the Baptist said of Jesus that He must increase while I must decrease. .... For John said to him, "It is not lawful for you to have her" (quotation from the new testament)

  6. BTW that last comment was not actually from Arthur Blessit. The name is just there to provide a link to his website.

  7. One comment per reader, please.

  8. John 3:16 says it best! "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that who shall ever believes in Him shall be saved." I think that Arthur heard from God in the beginning, and then he he thought with the wrong head! As an author it is tempting to make money on your book sells. The Holy Spirit always reminds me of when Jesus over turned the tables in the temple. Pray for a change of heart to happen. It's by Grace that we have been saved.

  9. 1 Timothy 1:20
    Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme.

  10. As Arthur's former employer during the time of his divorce I feel that I can speak directly from the experience. Sherry was devastated. She was going to appear on a talk radio show and share her story but during the intermission she backed out. This is a truly 'wise' woman. I miss her desperately. Does anyone know where she is? I pray for Arthur. I liked his movie because of the flood of meemories it stirred. But I agree with some of the comments. Sherry was a huge part of the ministry. She was in the office part time all the while caring for 7 children!
    P.S. Arthur and Sherry were unhappy together for quite sometime.

  11. My heart is hurt badly by all this. I wondered for so long what had happened to Sherry. I still have a letter from her somewhere. I met Arthur in Pensacola when he was running for nomination for the presidency. The things Arthur wrote in His Book, "Turned On To Jesus," helped me so much when I was searching and dabbling in the occult looking for people who practiced what they believed. I met his helpers at the local store after church one Sunday. They were in a motor home, I knocked on their door, and found they were looking to freshen up in the store. I invited them to my house and they ate with my family, showered and called Arthur on our phone. He was on his way to Pensacola. I and a friend went to hear him that night at a church in Pensacola(I lived north of Pensacola). When he entered the church he looked straight at me an waved. He had never seen me before. After service my friend and I stayed and met and talked with him. The few there got into a circle, joined hands and he prayed for us all. The Presence of God was awesome! I truly believed He was a man of God. I had wished to see the cross he carried. I mentioned that to his friends while they were at my house, and they asked me to go outside with them. They opened the doors of the trailer they were pulling behind their motor home, and there was the cross. I believe God arranged all this, and it strengthened me many times to remember that. There is a bit more, but I'm sure those of like mind can identify with my confusion and sadness. It is a good thing I just recently found out what happened to Sherry. For, now, I am more mature in The Lord, and would never turn from Him. If I was still a child in the spirit, I do not know if I would recover from such a terrible blow. This is just so unbelievable. It actually makes me have an unusual thought, but I have to wonder if it is true, for I see similar stories happening with many I and others looked up too in The Lord. I wonder, since God can bend time and do things we never dreamed of, if perhaps we have not understood the words of Jesus when He said, "One shall be taken and the other left behind." Did God "take" the real born again true minister of God, and leave the carnal man on earth?" My pastor said, recently, "Everyone has 2 sides." I am leaning towards this conclusion bit by bit as I see one after the other fall. I wish so much that I knew where Sherry was and could write or call her. Sherry, if you are reading this, please send me an email to I am so sorry about this. My heart is hurting for you, and for the betrayal I feel. My heart is shattered. May God impart His Peace and Joy. Blessings to you. I hope you stand by The Lord. I know He stands by you. May He heal your heart. I am dealing with hurt that needs healing too. Blessings to you. You are loved.

  12. Arthur's got some nerve trying to convert sinners after ditching his first wife and their handicapped son to marry some new sweetie. Arthur's got no idea what it REALLY means to carry your cross! The REAL cross is a life of godly self-denial and faithfulness to obey God's commandments and take care of your own family. Charity begins at home, Arthur.. And one of them is thou shalt not commit adultery. Jesus Himself prohibited divorce and remarriage. Arthur is an adulterer. He's just a little boy who couldn't handle the hard part of living, facing up to tough responsibilities. So he "followed Jesus" carrying a slab of wood on wheels, with one eye on the road and another on his new cutie.

  13. I have just heard about this situation with Sherry. I lived next door to the family when they were in Battersea, London in 1971. Sherry is a wonderful person and I saw first hand the deprivation that she endured with her ( then 4) young children in order to support Arthur and his calling.She was a saint! Since then I have also endured the same treatment from my own Christian husband so I really feel for her.
    What really concerns me is that the church in general seems to condone this behaviour. These men just get away with it!!!
    Can we bring back righteousness and purity and integrity into the church please? If you read this, Sherry, I KNOW what a great person you are!!!!!

    1. Cursed is the man who deals treacherously with the wife of his youth.

  14. There is hope for this family. According to the phone book, Arthur and Sherry Blessitt live just 3 miles from each other in a suburb of Denver, Colorado.

  15. Its funny I personally know sherry and all the blessitt's and trust me there is a gang of them. Arthur Blessitt Sr. has 6 biological kids and what people don't know is that every 1 of his sons have the first name Arthur so if they are 3 miles apart in Colorado its one of her sons that she is living near. Sherry and the kids are a very tight knit family they stick together and if one person moves from a city they usually all move. I was friends with Arthur Jerusalem his youngest son when he lived in New Orleans and this is how I know all of them. After Katrina the whole family moved to Colorado. I just think its wrong to leave the family you had struggling and poor living in the projects and start a relationship with another younger woman and you call yourself a man of God HAHA quit lying. Sherry is a great woman she raised all 6 of those kids by herself including Arthur Joseph who is mentally handicapped and who is still being taken care of by Sherry to this day. The whole time I was living down the street i never heard her complain 1 time about what this man did to her. She seemed to be just as happy as could be I think she should be the 1 thats getting all this publicity she is the true saint. Ask yourself if you think Arthur Blessitt Sr. would be as humble and forgiving as Sherry. If you read this Sherry you are a wonderful person and tell Joel, Joseph, Jenna, Joy, Artur, Jordan, Jacob, Hailey, Madison, and Angel that Funcky Rooster still Loves You All

  16. Ryan, I was aware that Arthur gave all his sons his first name. But according to his own website, his office is in that area. Unless someone can prove otherwise, I still believe them to live only a few miles apart.

  17. My heart is shattered by the diabolical things that are going on in the church. Jesus died for THIS?!!!? Arthur, HOW COULD YOU? I stayed with a man that I was not in love with for 30 years, because I vowed before God I would. He is dead now, and I agree with Paul. I am happier single. I am not looking for a man, and would not marry another unless I knew God told me to. I may would consider it if he loved God more than anything in the universe, and loved me second. He would have to be "souled" out to God. So, there is not much danger of me marrying. Never be unequally yoked with anyone that is not as committed as you are to Christ. It is a miserable thing. I do so desire to meet Sherry. I wish God would make that wish come true. He has done things much more amazing than that. If you read this Sherry.... May God be everything you need/desire. Much love to you.

    To The White Man, Please forgive me. I see I posted a comment a year and five months ago. I did not remember doing that. I began reading my comment and saying to myself, "This sounds like me," and it WAS me! Scary! Then I wrote this, forgetting you said one post per person. But, I see there have not been a lot of new posts. I am just so very sad. It is after 3AM and I am not sleepy. I just keep crying and asking God to change us. I will understand if you do not post this. Blessings to you, that you can bless others.

  18. Thanks for this information. Arthur led me to Christ in 1970 and I remain grateful. I have always wondered what happened to Sherry.

    It's very disappointing to find Arthur has brushed this ugly manifestation of his flesh under the rug. It does help explain why he regularly hangs around charlatans. True men of God would confront him on his deplorable lack of responsibility and unrepentant heart toward God, his wife and children.

    1. I was reading a book called Arthur Blessitt last night, went to a webpage that gave an hour-and-a-half story about his life. It was so inspirational. So I looked up his history today to find out more about him. My curiosity was what did his wife and kids do while he was on these trips and how did he get support for this cuz sounds like a great adventure. One blog said, " it's harder to stay home, manage family, keep Faithfully loving your wife, and being a provider and still walk Faithfully with God.
      As a 60 year old brother, I recognize that God is in a lot of things Arthur did, and some people, like Billy Graham, work away from family to minister to the world, but he stayed true to his wife.

      Just when I was getting fired up to go do something great for God, I'm reminded what's great for God is staying the course being true to your Wife and Kids, providing and being a witness on a daily basis in the office where it's so easy to get flat, fat and worldy.

      Was moved to memorize the book of Colossians.
      Apaphrus was the faithful brother who brought the gospel to the Colossians, and he stayed faithful.

      In heaven when they deal out rewards, I think they'll be a lot of women in the front row and Sherry Blessitt will be right there.

      I hate divorce. God says.

      When you have ruined marriages because of the other spouse, and I get that but for us men to make excuses as to why we would walk away from our promised Bride is the Deceit from the Devil and it might come from being isolated and independent and not a part of a church that keeps us Brothers, helpped, accountable and humbled.

      I don't condemn Arthur Blessitt but can see where he got out of local community was doing a great thing but fell into the devil's trap.

      And God probably spoke to him and like all of us, there's some things we don't listen to because we are in the flesh at the moment. The warnings from God.
      The God who told Arthur to go into Beirut is also the God that would say, avoid that women, you're a married man.

      Each day as men, we have to choose this day whom you will serve.
      As humans we can really make a mess of things. And once we climb out of the pit we carry on with our lives. With the help of God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and the family of God on Earth who we choose to live open and honest lives in front of.

      As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

      I look at myself and know that I'm just as a vulnerable as any man but we can minimize that vulnerability by living transparently with our brothers that know us.
      Mercy, truth and grace,

  19. I have read these scores of Judgements against Arthur Blessitt. If you read in epistles,we,born-again christians, are to show God's Agape' love toward ALL people,even those we don't like or approve of. It was spelled out in the book of John 4:7-8 which puts it this way;Beloved,let us love(Agape' not human love) one another: for love is of God;and everyone that loveth is born of God,and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God." Everyone knows the Love chapter in the 13th chapter of 1 Cor.Well, God has put a measure of His love into each of our hearts when we are born-again. But, Agape'love is a Fruit of the spirit. Paul says "to put it on",You put it His love on as you do a smile,which grows bigger as you exercise this love,and the same with the oher fruits. I used to scream and nag at my husnad horribly, and I judged him continually. I don't do that anymore since I have been starting to "put this love on"(NOTE:this goes against your mind and what it wants. Paul says he keeps his body under him,meaning his spirit is in charge)I now have a gentle and kindspirit. I now feel greater love in my heart toward people, which is how we show Jesus we love Him. Although I am by no means reaching perfection yet,we have a forgiving God who is not, at this time, pouring out judgement on the earth. He,the Father, is allowing Jesus to judge. See John 3:16-17. Later, Jesus says He came into the world not to judge, but to save;John12:47. Then see that Jesus has been given all judgement from the Father;John 5:22-23.
    But, for us has been given the ministry of reconcilliation, spelled out in 2 Cor. 5:17-21. Why? because God is not counting people's trespasses against them,so we as the righteousness of God in Him aren't to either.
    What happens to us on The Day of Judgement if we do not show mercy, but judge instead of allowing God to judge because He is the only one who can see inside our hearts? James 2:8-13 tells us ending with this sobering prediction;"For judgement will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy;mercy triumps over judgement."
    I can only speak for myself in that in the past before I really got into the Word of God and began to seek Him ernestly,and He says whoever seeks me shall find me,and the Word of God,not man's religion, grows in our lives like roses in a beautiful desert, and God does speak to His people today,He also does many miracles when you believe, when You get into His Word,and pray and when you seek His Him with your whole heart and mind!Why do some seem to think that you cannot hear from God today? And why would one believe that if things happen,miracles in christians lives then it must be Satan, not God, as He only spoke to people in the Bible times, and now is quiet? Not so,Test Him, try Him prove Him, that's what He says. search His scriptures and you will see that His Holy Spirit is still in this world, alive and well,PRAISE You, Jesus Forever More!Search His Word and really see what it says. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate the scripture when you read them each day. Faith in Him grows by hearing the Word over and over again. Talk to Him and take time to just praise Him with your whole heart as we are commanded to do daily.
    These are ways above that I am growing by leaps and bounds spiritually.

  20. I'm amazed that month after month, this particular post, now well over a year old, draws more traffic--and more comments--to this blog than any other, and from a wider variety of countries. Arthur Blessitt's divorce has had massive repercussions, and had undermined so much of what he worked toward for over 20 years that I can't calculate the damage it has caused. I only note that 20 years after the fact, around 25% of all people coming to this blog are wanting to know the truth about Arthur Blessitt's abandonment of his wife Sherry. I don't have the answers, nor do any of us really need them. God's Word still stands, whether any given one of God's people remains faithful to it or not.

    1. I found this blog in the past by searching on Google for "Arthur Blessitt" and when I typed in "Arthur Blessitt" it used to auto-complete to "Arthur Blessitt Divorce" and your blog used to be number one in the search results. I've come here several times and was easily able to find the blog in the past but now its more difficult to find it.
      I tried the same thing today and it no longer auto-completes to "Arthur Blessitt Divorce" so I imagine people are less interested in the subject now or that someone in google has manually tampered with the search results as a favour to someone. Who knows?
      Many of the people who come here are probably those who (like me) believed all the lies we were fed by the powers that be and we are struggling to find truth. I don't think most people come here to really find out about Arthur Blessitt's divorce but instead they they are trying to find answers because they are struggling in their own lives and have found themselves to be such failures in christianity vs Arthur Blessitt.
      Some of them will be enlightened when they discover that there is a possibility that it is all distorted and that the truth is something else, not what they've necessarily been taught. Although its sad, it means we are free to discover what is real again - like starting over.

  21. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

  22. I have known of the name Arthur Blessitt for years. I only came to this post as I got the video of late. And was a little shocked to see the peace sine on it.

    It seemed out of place. As I aways understood it as a upside down broken cross. In searching for as to why Arthur used this. I found out of his divorce. And this site. I myself do not see ether of these things in step with the message Jesus came to give us.

    How ever I do not have a personal friendship with Arthur. Or anyone who knows him to speak about these things. I don't get a good feeling about Arthur's message of Christ with these things in mind. As we are to be letters to all that speak of Christ. Having said that! I say this knowing myself full well. I have not aways been the best letter of Christ myself.

    So I say this to all of you who would feel that Arthur has steped way over the line. He may in fact have. How ever you where not there nor was I myself. Surely Jesus was and knows what really happened. And I can say this about divorce. I have been there and my ex and we both where not only bad for each other. We never should of gotten married.

    So understanding that life is offen messy. We so easly fall into sin making it even worse. I ask you who are deeply upset by this! Is it because of how you feel? What you feel Arthur should be before God and others? Or because your sad because you want Arthur to have even a deeper walk with Jesus?

    I once was deeply hurt framed was sent to jail so on by a man who clames to be a pastor. Who some still think of as a great man of God. How ever this man has done great damage in not just my life but many others. Do you really Belive in God? Well then if so. This man by Gods Word. Arthur if in fact he has been moving in the flesh. HAVE MESSED WITH THE APPLE OF GODS EYE! Do you understand? If you do then PRAY that GOD may come in and wake them from the devils snare. That the devil has traped them that his evil will may be done in there lifes.

    PRAY that there might be a deep and very real change! Knowing that you too in life have areas JESUS is still working on! More over PRAY with the very HEART BEAT OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. THAT ALL not just some MIGHT come to a REAL SAVING FAITH IN CHRIST! And God RICHLY BLESS YOU AS YOU DO! And thank God that if out of PURENESS or NOT JESUS'S CROSS and MESSAGE has been where Arthur's feet have steped! JESUS WILL TAKE CARE OF THE REST!

    1. He has not shown he is unrepentant, and in not speaking about his divorce, he sullies his name and his wife's name and his work. As a public figure he has proved untrustworthy.

    2. I knew Denise well. She was a big busted blue eyed breathy blond. She could have said no.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. I met the Blessitt family around 1977 when Arthur was carrying the cross in the South Pacific. We had fellowship with the entire family as Sherry and the children accompanied him on that trip. This news of their divorce is sad and confusing and certainly undermining to his ministry. I am saddened. Many think "the facts" are private and unnecessary to know, but I for one would like to know what has happened to Sherry and how she is doing. God bless her. And as for Arthur, brother have you no shame?

    1. I was in a lot of ministry work at the time that A.B. was very busy in the L.A. area;. but I never made any effort to meet him However, A.B. was on a Christian network TV talk show, flirting with the one single female in the talk. He was flirting with her on live television and everyone there saw it. Later, the network released a statement lamenting his sins against his family and closed in asking for prayer. Not long afterward, those network notations were all removed. Then, many years later, Matt Crouch makes a movie about him ... !!!
      Blessitt divorced his faithful wife, mother of his many children, and ran off with a woman whose womb was closed ...
      I always avoided AB, and not only when I was unaccompanied by my husband, to avoid cause to talk of scandal. I thought he was a hippie. I think he is merely part of this Hippie Church Age. In fact, it could be said that he is part of the foundation of this Hippie Church Age.
      Blessitt did not preach Christ. He preached Hippie Christ. Telling people that they don't have to read the Word of God is blasphemy, because Jesus IS The Word of God.

  25. The Lord saved me in 1982. He is the one and only life. Life alone comes from Him. Having said that, I have in the past (and still do) put many men up on a pedastal-Chuck Smith, Bill Wilson, Dave Roever, Arthur Blessitt, etc. Thank you Lord for reminding me to "keep my eyes fixed on you" and only you. Please Lord, may my wife and kids look to You only for life and fullfilment. Bob Brow

    1. God bless you, Bob.....i need help too; to keep my eyes, mind/heart on Him alone; your sister in Christ, Anne

  26. ... unsolicited opinion ...
    isn't it easy to judge others?
    isn't it easy to pick apart the fault of others?
    isn't it easy to have such high expectations of a sinner?
    isn't it silly to expect MAN to be without sin or faultless?
    why do people (Christians, in particular), always look for the thing someone does wrong and harp on it, pick it apart, dissect it, etc.?
    Is Arthur, Jesus?
    he is just a man -- with faults!
    however, he has done something that most of us would never even dream of, because ...
    God chose him!
    if he forgot to return a library book -- someone would build a blog centered around that controversy!
    all of you with your opinions of how awful he is, sharing your deep disappointment -- are you without sin? have you been divorced?
    ... have you returned all of your library books on time?? ...
    obviously, divorcing his first wife was much much worse than forgetting the library book, but -- could someone show me the chart in Scripture where God punishes and charges one according to what their sin was?
    isn't sin -- ... SIN!
    can we not just praise God for using a weak human to fulfill His purposes and be grateful that we are a witness to how God chooses those of us that are not worthy and Even Have Faults??
    God Bless all of you for the healthy debate!

  27. Just saw the movie at my church last night. Amazing and inspiring
    Amazes me how "Christians" judge and condemn eachother. Only Jesus knows our true hearts and for that I am thankful.

  28. What happened is sad, very sad. Be carefull those who judge harshly. We are all venerable. God saves sinners and restores those who has fallen. Who says he has not repented? What should he do? Divorce his 2nd wife and marry his 1st again? After all he has done more for God than most of us. Let us rather pray for the whole family and not block his way back.

  29. I agree, Rien, that this is very sad. At the least it disqualifies him from ever serving in church leadership again (1 Timothy 3). He clearly has not repented. You can't secretly repent of an open sin, and he is still very secretive about his divorce. Has he really done more for God than most of us? God's way of measuring such things is not the same as man's way (Luke 21). Amen, let's pray for him--for them. And for ourselves, lest we fall too.

  30. The prayer David prayed after committing adultery with bathsheba. Read Psalm 51.

  31. Saddened to read all the opinions and judgement's written here. Personally...It's no one else's business. That's between Him and God. After you get done walking on water and patting yourself on the back, remember who you'll answer to someday.
    Just saying.....

  32. I followed Arthur Blessitt for years in the late 70's and early 80's and he was one of the strongest influences I had at that time in my early Christian walk. As a result of his work, I began to witness for Jesus and I'm sure touched quite a few during that time. I am also saddened to hear about his divorce with Sherry and the other things, but I must say, after 30 years of ministry, and a few miserable failures myself, I want to fall back to mercy here. I know what it looks like and it may even be true, but Jesus is the judge not any of us, and he is a merciful judge at that. I need to much mercy and forgiveness myself to be casting any stones toward a man like Arthur Blessitt. He's accomplished more that most and deserves to be honored none the less. He may have failed in some big ones, but he succeeded where many of us have failed in some pretty big ones too. Pray for him, don't judge him.

  33. Amen brother, let him or her without sin cast the first stone.

  34. I denied a comment today (something I only do after considerable thought) because it was a personal attack that didn't add anything to the discussion.

  35. I can only say that so many have come to Christ through him, and yes he is not perfect! Which sin is worse, can anyone say? They are ALL falling short of the glory of God! And where does his punishment end? We are saved by the GRACE of God. Please stop judging this man, who has turned his life around! So what if he has not publicly acknowledged his changed heart! Sometimes to do that does more harm to others, than to move on, knowing in your heart you have made it as right as you can with others of those you have hurt. Would you like EVERYONE to stop their ministries because of their iniquities? Wow, grow up in Christ people. Leave him alone...he is still serving Christ, maybe not as perfectly as apparently some of YOU must be doing, but to the best of his abilities.

    1. Very good post. The basis of the why God did what He did for us is love and forgiveness, yet "Christians" so want to point the finger of judgment, unforgiveness and condemnation at other Christians, forgetting that God is quite competent in His office as Judge.

      We can trust Him to judge everyone correctly.

      If a man is not in your assembly, then what responsibility do you have to judge him?

      Unless you love to feed on gossip, you most likely DO NOT know all the facts (even if you do love to feed on gossip, you most likely don't have all the facts!); therefore, your judgment would be imprudent.

  36. John 10:17 is not obtuse. "My sheep hear My voice."

    If you don't hear Him, the reason why is obvious. You're not His sheep.

  37. Gena Blessitt- Yes I am Arthur Blessitt's oldest daughter! I came across this site by accident/Gods leading! God does speak to people, His mercy and grace are beyond imagination. We are all doing Great,the whole family! You have no idea to truth of our lives and honestly its not anyone's business. I'm 48yrs old and Dad hears from God,I know this. Yes my parents are divorced we all
    Live in the same city and get together weekly, we're very did Not have to work to support us Dad has always provided. No one is perfect, if we were Jesus would not have had to die.His power is made perfect in our weakness. Ever thought that might be why Dad witness everyday, everywhere we are! look at David "!A man after God's own heart" ugh,think before you pass judgment on things you know NOTHING ABOUT! Blessings Gena

    1. God bless you, Gena; thanks so much, for writing here.....your sister in Christ, Anne SO happy to know,that all of you are well,,,,,

    2. I would like to retract my previous comment about not believing that the above writer is Arthur Blessitt's daughter based on the two different spellings of her name. The same holds true on the official website and both instances are evidently written by Gina/Gena. W.

    3. Oh but it is Gena. You dad is in the public eye as a representative of a HOLY GOD. He carried on a 5 year adulterous affair, while "preaching" the love of JESUS. While his family suffered. 1Corinthians 6. Yes king David the difference is King David repented. He didn't lie and deny. According to scripture he disqualified himself. When you place yourself in the public eye it goes without saying your privacy goes out the window. Believers are hurt by this, satan uses this against us as well. He's ruined his credibility. Non believers think it's all a joke or worse. JESUS is HOLY and commands us to be. Yes we all fail miserably. You repent not justify.

    4. When I am unkind I have to ask forgiveness from GOD and the person I was unkind to. Has Author Blessitt repented? Ask THE FATHER's forgiveness? That is between him and GOD. He has not even admitted any wrong doing to the believers nor ask forgiveness. What has it been now 26 plus years? Maybe Mr. Blessitt could make a YouTube video about that. Or get on TBN and apologize. A news paper?

  38. Are you also divorced now Gina?

  39. white man, I liked you up to this comment about Gena. Pretty smug and pretty nasty, you should have kept it to yourself. And if you really wanted to know, you could have asked her privately. Arthur is her father, so one can hardly blame her for speaking up for him.

  40. I asked Gina a question that could be answered 'yes' or know. If there was a smug or nasty attitude behind that question, then I apologise. But reading a smug or nasty attitude into a yes-or-no question reveals a problem in the reader, not the writer.
    Furthermore, if Arthur Blessitt's gospel is the kind to leave a trail of broken families through several generations, I want nothing of it. Until Gina answers my question, however, I won't know that it has.

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. I had to delete a comment that came to us last evening from San Antonio that was basically just an ad hominem attack on Arthur Blessitt and Joel Osteen. I won't allow these sort of comments, even if they do contain a snippet of useful information; I don't edit them.

  43. Wow, This is interesting reading. As a 25yr veteran of marriage, I know first hand how one can feel like throwing in the towel in any given year of it. Even wishing to be able to do so 'quietly' without any fanfare. Overall in my Christian walk of almost 50yrs-the biggest help I have found with sin, error, and misunderstanding in my life is to acknowledge them,their ramifications, repentance of and necessary amends. Of necessity, some privately, some publicly. This testifies more fully to the life ministry of repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation we live within through Christ. I also find it wise to allow people to share their own stories (especially conversion) when they have confided in us, or allude only very generally to actual circumstances unless they give consent to do otherwise.

  44. I looked up Pastor Arthur tonight as I just finished watching his movie, "The Cross." I had heard of him only recently. All I can say is we were not there, not walking in his or his wife's shoes so we don't know their relationship personally. Only God knows. We do not judge each other. LOVE covers a multiple of sins. May God help and bless all of them. Roberta

  45. I guess that for me his divorce was not even the biggest concern. I too have followed Arthur for decades. He was an inspiration to all of us. I received his newsletter. Then one day his newsletter mentioned briefly (about a paragraph) that he was divorcing his wife. He didn't say why, but DID say that she was not at fault. He then continued to talk of powerful things God was doing in a totally positive tone. It was as though the divorce didn't matter. I called his ministry office by phone (I believe they were in Florida at the time). I got ahold of Arthur Himself. I asked if there was anything I/we could do to help. Could we pray about any specific need? Before I got two sentences out I was verbally attacked as one of those legalistic, mean spirited Religious people who don't really have the love of Jesus. He slammed the phone down and his newsletter just stopped coming. I had mentioned my name and he obviously took time to look me up and remove me.
    We all realize that nobody's perfect, but that isn't the point. If Arthur had demonstrated a tone of humility, brokenness, or contriteness it would be different. If he said, "I'm sorry, brother. I blew it. Pray for me" Then I can understand. We all could. This is very confusing for me. I still retain all the good that Arthur has done, and believe that he will be rewarded for his zeal. But Arthur, being the public figure that you are means that we are affected by your example. You can't have it both ways. You can't say support me with your love, prayers and money, but I'm not accountable to anyone. The constant Screaming of "it's none of your business" demonstrates a lack of gratitude to those of us who did support you so long. It shows that you don't really consider us Covenantal family. Please Arthur, I'm NOT judging or condemning you. We all have strengths and weaknesses. That's why the bible does teach that we ARE our brother's Keeper (Gen 4:9). I will love you always.

  46. If a man leaves his wife to marry another man would that evoke a "let him who is without sin" response? If a man leaves his wife and enters a relationship with his own daughter, would that evoke a "nobody is perfect" response? What a about an english sheepdog? A man of God can't be expected to get everything right can he? Just one time I'd like a preacher to say that God called him to leave his wife of 30 years to marry a homely woman of 85. It would at least be original. This finding God's will with a girl 20 years younger than yourself just gets old after a while. What a sad story. It truly breaks my heart. Hebrews says that some where sawn asunder for the sake of this gospel. None of them ever had to not sleep with their dream date though. God help us.

  47. Sam from India8/22/2013 12:20:00 pm

    Let him who has no sin here cast the next stone. Let our wonderful Lord be his judge. Love covers a multitude of sins. Whether you have lusted in your heart or harboured bitterness or committed adultery - All have sinned and fallen short of his glory. And let us remember only by grace we are saved. May the Lord Bless both of them into healing and restoration - Please pray for this.

  48. King David committed adultery with Bathsheda. When Nathan the prophet pointed out his sin through a parable, it hit King David square between the eyes that he sinned grievously, and that he sinned against God. He acknowledged it, owned it, didn't cover it up, or pretend that the "good" he did outweighed what he did, or made him unaccountable. This is exactly why we all need to keep our eyes on Jesus and not man. Unfortunately Arthur Blessit's ministry means nothing now, as his hypocrisy is unjustifiable.

  49. IHMO, in response to Gena Blessitt: when you have become a widely-known public Christian witness (whether intentionally or not), then the "truth of our lives" absolutely is everyone's business -- at least in the case where a major life event (in this case, and apparently non-Biblical divorce) has damaged, and continues to damage, that witness. I believe it is your father's responsibility to Christ, for the sake of His witness and kingdom, to explain publicly the rationale, circumstances, and Biblical support for his divorce and remarriage.

  50. I knew Denise when this happened, and I was disgusted. She was a typical bosomy big blue eyed blonde, all breathy, dimples, and smiles. I can imagine that Mr Blessit really thought he was hearing voices. Well God is not mocked, and His word stands true. It was adultery then and still is now, so God( I assume), is not blessing Blessit, but maybe people are getting converted in spite of him.Who knows? He is wrong and she is wrong. End of. They will not get away with it. it besmirches what Christanity is all about. .

    1. I notice that on his website he has added the he and his wife agreed to divorce. Whether this was before or after Denise came along I do not know. I was unhappy in my marriage , my husband was unfaithful and God took me out, He did it and has provided ever since. He is my husband. Lust always gives excuses for wrong doing. Paul said if you are singel do not seek to be married. I will not marry again. I hope that when his second wife is nursing him in his old age she enjoys it as much as she does now.

  51. Arthur Blessit is a false prophet like all the rest of our charismatic apostates. Those who are deceived into believing that God still speaks audibly to His people rather than communicating through the Spirit in the written word alone are under the curse of God and the deception of Satan! Matthew 24:24 Mark 12:22 2 Thess. 2:8,9 Revelation chapters 13 and 16 make this ominously clear. Take away these pseudo miracles, healings and tongues and prophetic utterance and the faith of this heretical movement has nothing to build upon. This gospel caters to sinful mans ego, self importance and carnality! I am grateful that the Triune God has set His seal upon all His elect in Christ. Revelation 13:8 He that has ears let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches....

  52. Perhaps the reason that this post goes on for so long is that Blessit has been involving in change in so many people's lives. I am a reformation man (the full tulip!), yet I can honestly say that a meeting with Blessit in 1973 made an enormous impact on my approach to evangelism that really moulded the rest of my life ( street witness and street preaching). This in no way diminishes my amazement when I discovered the circumstances of his divorce. However my amazement has been diminished when I consider the sin and failure in my own life in the 40 years after meeting him.
    Nevertheless , the Bible witnesses to the fact that Solomon despite a glorious beginning ended in ignominious compromise and failure. We all need to learn from this: Blesset, myself and you too the writer of the original blog. Cheers in the Lord, and may the Lord help us to take out the good news to broken lives!

  53. WOW!! I had never heard of Arthur Blessit until about a week ago. I read a mention of him in a post on Facebook. So I did a little research, and watched some videos of him on Youtube. What an inspiration to see his boldness in carrying the cross around the world. OK, so I'm reading some more about this man, Arthur, and I come across this blog and these comments. I begin to read this blog and POW!! I feel like I just took a HUGE punch to the gut. It's very surreal. I understand that it has been a big deal for him to carry this cross all over the globe. BUT, and I mean a BIG BUT, to now read how he left his wife and 6 kids is really devastating. I mean, I'm sitting here reading this and it's blowing my mind. I can't fathom it. Did he feel his ministry was more important than his vows and covenant to his God, his wife, and his kids? I realize that they has only been one perfect person to walk the planet, my precious savior Jesus. I didn't expect Arthur to be perfect, but I can also say that I sure didn't expect to be sitting here tonight reading a blog on how he divorced his wife either. What a shame. My heart hurts for his wife and kids. It's awful. This reminds me so much of my dad. I grew up in a Christian home. I accepted the Lord at a young age. I am by no means perfect and I have failed many times in life, but my Lord is faithful. The reason I say this reminds me of my dad is because he did something similar. I was 18 yrs. old. It was 1 month before my HS graduation. My father left home and said he needed some time to sort things out. It was discovered a few months later that he was seeing the woman that he sat next to in the church choir. My parents had helped start a church. My father sang in a Gospel group. We were in church multiple times a week, and all up and down the east coast of the USA. I had no idea that my father was doing any of this at the time. It all just blind sided me. I used to hear my father give his testimony. I sang some of the Gospel songs that he wrote. It was devastating to see what happened and feel the betrayal that I felt. It changed the relationship that my father and I had. I can only guess how it has affected the Blessit children. My prayers to them and to Arthur. I can't ever imagine anything being worth building a wall between me and my kids.

  54. I have read most of the above writings on Arthur Blessit. As if his divorce is anything new! I want to write an article later on but for now I'll keep it short. Has any of you read Pilgrims Progress? I can recommend it. Who's been in the slough of despond? Who's been fooled at times by Mr Worldly Wiseman? Ah! Don't all out up your hands at once please. There are too many to count. Napoleon once made the comment. " The first quality of a good soldier is Endurance. Bravery is but the second." How are we all doing?

  55. I am now 60 year young and read Arthur Blessit books back in the 70's. I was inspired by his "daring do". He has been about everywhere and led a lot folks to salvation (I hope). I see these situations with the awe inspiring "on stage" kind of ministers like John Jacobs. I must say that in reading Arthur's book and in hearing John Jacobs on stage at a church, I read and heard "a line or two" that wrinkled my brow. I wonder about the "stage presentation" of the gospel sometimes that it gets out of hand due to the use of too many words and too much face time. Much of what I read above is actually an inspiration to me that many can discern and judge with right judgement. I totally agree that we can and must judge one another as the scripture says we should. We are to warn and teach every man and hold one another accountable. And as a body of believers such matters are indeed "our business." If Arthur's daughter or any of his family think that they are a closed unit then they need read what the Jesus said when identified who his "mother and brothers indeed were" When I see Amy Grant still singing her Christian songs for Christian audiences and Christian bookstores selling her music it grieves me that it seems John the Baptist died for nothing. I hope that TBN has enough integrity to bar Arthur from their line-up until he repents and moves back with his wife and family. One thing I would definitely say is that this is all demonically inspired. We need to wake up to the fact that a most powerful ancient foe is waiting his opportunity and when we do that "on stage" thing we are potentially speaking his language, that of "pride". Not long ago I was looking up another "celebrity" of the Jesus movement era, Ann Kiemel. I was sorry to learn that she died of cancer, but as I read it seems that she in fact learned some hard lessons from life one of which was to be careful of living in a way that you want or need the spotlight or attention from many. II am sure it is good to be a blessing and there are certainly callings and an anointing for ministry to many, but it seems to me that: the "stage," the "camera," the "following" the "plastic smiles" and "evangelistic speak" are often the enemies tools for our demise. Thanks for your blog.

  56. My search that led me to this site was "Did Arthur Blessitt repent?" I first heard of Arthur in the 70s, and was inspired by his commitment to evangelism. I heard that he had committed adultery, but had never heard whether or not he had repented. Human beings fail and fall into sin. I have experienced in my life the fall into adultery by a few Christian leaders in ministries I have known about or churches I have attended, and I have seen the repentance and restoration process done carefully and well--and as a result did not have any hesitation about the ongoing ministry of those individuals. But I would have a lot of hesitation about the ongoing ministry of an unrepentant individual.

  57. In this day and age it almost seems that it is acceptable to deceive in christian circles. Maybe its required if you want to go to the top. I have noticed the deception more acutely with time but maybe thats because I am older now. Maybe its always been like this and there is no-one we can trust accept God and the writings of the apostles and prophets.

  58. We don't know the full story, so I think we need to pray for him, his former wife and his new wife. PS How many of us have been guilty of adultery, or hatred or covetousness etc in our hearts?

  59. I remember reading in the Bible about a man that took another man's wife; got her pregnant and then sent the husband to the front lines of battle to be killed. God also said this was a man after God's own Heart. I'm sure God delt with Arthur for his transgression but was he to quit the calling afterwards.
    From Arthur's website about the divorce:

    God created the earth and all that is in it and “saw that it was good.” Yet it did not stay that way. How sad. Often some things in life do not turn out as we dreamed they would. This happened in one important area of my life.
    After many years of struggles, discussions and prayers my first wife and I agreed to officially end our marriage. We both vowed to God we would not discuss our personal difficulties with other people. We left all our judgments and hurts at the feet of Jesus, where they belong, freeing us to face the future.

  60. The conversation here is interesting but not necessarily unique. I am seeing similar conversations elsewhere about people who claim to be God's people.

    It is always interesting when you have people using Jesus example of "he without sin casting the first stone". Do you think it is loving to ignore sin in the church, among God's people? Every single epistle addresses sin in the church, in some cases they are called out by name. Agape love, God’s love ignores nothing, it is willing to risk everything for the sake of those called according to His purpose. So it cannot ignore sin, to do so would be selfish and God is never, ever selfish.

    If God doesn't speak to you how do you know you know HIm? If you want to hear from God get quiet and still for a couple of hours a day and believe me, He will show up.

    Paul tells us in 1 Cor. 12 that not every leading is from the Holy Ghost because when we were pagans we were lead by spirits. John tells us in 1 John 4 to test the spirits and if they speak contrary to scripture then they are false.

    Can God tell you what house to buy? Sure but you probably will not like what He picks out. God lead me to the house that my family and I have lived in now for 13 years. It is not the house I would have picked but God was in it and He has helped us there. God picked out a place that would humble us.

    I have friends who claim Jesus as Savior, and they told me that God told them to walk away from their mortgages on their big opulent homes they said God told them to build. Anyone who claims Jesus Christ as Savior then says God told him to do something that is contrary to the scriptures is a liar and profanes the name of God.

    In Matthew 10 and Luke 14 Jesus said, “Whoever will forsake his own life for My sake… whoever will follow me will take up his cross and follow me.” Jesus calls to His children to lose everything for His sake. I have been married for 30 years, I could have become discontent with the wife of my youth but I have chosen to follow Jesus. I lay down my desires and take up His. I love my wife and get along with her because I have chosen Jesus. I can always choose to be selfish and stupid but I chose Jesus who came to save me from sin. And sin always makes us selfish and stupid.

    Do I love Arthur Blessitt? Yes, just as Jesus commanded. Can I listen to Arthur’s teachings and follow them? Absolutely not, he made a conscience decision to sin and as far as I know he has not repented. I will leave that between him and God, until then I can love Arthur but I cannot follow him.

    Yes King David sinned with Bathsheba. And yes he repented. But study David from this point until his death, his kingdom is filled with controversy. God forgave David but there were consequences for his sin that he would have to suffer through here on earth because of it. God does not always nullify the consequences of our sin when we repent, sometimes God lets us suffer through some things so we learn our lesson and don’t repeat the sin.

    Matthew 5:48, “Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.” If it wasn't possible would have Jesus commanded it?

  61. Divorce is not the unforgiveable sin. How many of us have carried a cross into the Darien Jungle? Until we've walked a mile in Arthur's shoes (and maybe that mile) we cannot judge.

    1. Of course divorce is not the unforgiveable sin. Of course God "speaks" to those who have ears to hear and of course we are to love our neighbour. When I "sin" or choose to be "against" God's choice, I inevitably suffer the consequences of my wrong choices. David did, Solomon did, I do.

    2. Of course we all know that. Darien Jungle? We all understand what you are trying to say but that is irrelevant in that many unbelievers I know have done similar feats. The issue is the need for repentance!!!!!

  62. Wallking the Darien jungle us easy, its just a physical feat. I've done just as many daring things as Arthur Blessitt in my life and the amazing thing is that I've done them without an audience of bible professing believers.
    I'm shocked that so many people don't even believe the words of Paul the apostle when he talks about love. Divorce is not love!
    Paul says " If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing"
    Who cares if Arthur Blessitt has walked the Darien jungle or the Amazon in Jesus name. I could pick a hundred athiests willing to do this if it was televised in the end and a story written about it.
    NO! This is not impressive! What is impressive is someone who is able to show faithfulness to the one who binds something on earth - for whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven

  63. Gentlemen: I am grieved over Arthur Blessit's whole story for several reasons, both earthly and spiritual: I. The earthly reasons - the damage and betrayal Blessit did to his immediate family - their undeniable pain and shame in seeing their own father leave them and move in with another woman. His action also plants a generational root of future divorces in the family members, because, "if our Dad (who is an ordained minister) can divorce our mother of six and remarry another woman, then it is perfectly OK for us to do the SAME thing to our own households"! Thus, a culture of generational broken, grieved families is established, and this is multiplied across the country. Adultery, Divorce, and remarriage are now permanently entrenched in American society, including Christians! II. Spiritual reasons: King David's affair with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband, Urriah, which David arranged -2Sam.12: the offenses against GOD are multiple- "Why have you despised the Word of the LORD to do evil in My sight?" v. 9. "Therefore, the sword shall never leave your house, because you have despised Me, and have taken the wife of Urriah to be your wife." v. 10. "For you have done this secretly, I will do this [punish you] before all Israel and under the sun." v. 12. "By this deed, you have greatly blasphemed the LORD among His enemies." v. 14. Since we easily see the earthly damage done by Blessit's actions, it is easy to overlook the invisible but far worse spiritual damage done to our society: the secret, dishonest affair, despising God to His face! His Holy Word held in contempt, bringing public mockery (blasphemy) upon Him. These actions degrade the honor and credibility of the Gospel, and engender unbelief, rejection and confusion, so no one knows who in ministry is being truthful or lying. This process hastens the corruption of the larger society, so that people turn AWAY from the LORD and fall quickly into the hands of Satan. This is how societies are destroyed. The stage is set for massive judgement from God, to clean house and restore the honor & credibility of His Name and His Holy Word, so that people may once again worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

  64. You're losing your Joy in Christ. Focus on Jesus Christ alone and NOT Arthur Blessitt.

    Philippians 3:12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

  65. It saddens me to read this about Arthur Blessit. Does it suprised me? Not really. When will we quit putting gifted people on a pedistal no matter how anointed they are. I have a real problem with sites such as this too. What is your purpose in continuing this thread? Are you desiring to hurt him over something that happened years ago. Is what your doing here really constructive. Sounds a lot like character assassination. If he did indeed do this terrible thing there's absolutely no excuse for it. This should not be conducted in a public forum. It's so easy in the "Social Media" age to call someone a false prophet or heretic when not really understandind what constitutes a false prophet or heretic. As I said before I in no way excuse what Arthur Blessit did but wonder why you continue to allow this thread to continue on an issue that happened 20 years ago.

  66. What worries me more than the divorce of Arthur Blessitt is his subsequent removal of references to his ex wife Sherry from the online book "Arthur A Pilgrim" (1985) and also from "Turned on to Jesus" (1972). In particular in the part after he saw Jesus on lake Tahoe where in the original book Sherry was reported as seeing Arthur's face shining white after the sighting. Why would this be removed? It was an important part and shows Sherry was also a witness. At least the online site should have mentioned that the original book had parts deleted but it did not. I wrote an email to Arthur about it and he had replied to my prior emails on other topics but for this one there was no reply. Tampering in such a way with an original book shows lack of integrity to me and casts a doubt on the Tahoe sighting of which a video has just been made in 2015 by Blessitt on youtube.

  67. I have spent a lot of time on the road. But in secular work, not ministry. Lonliness, a kindred spirit in an attractive women is a great temptation for most men, Christian or not. I couldn't even hazard a guess as to why, but its done, and the man is continuing on with Christ. I read two of his books long ago. He was incredible, and he is still witnessing constantly for Christ. That's more than I do. I don't judge him. He's a little like King David maybe. He messed up, he can't fix it, so he's moving on from where he's at. Nuff said

  68. In response to Keith Miles (above) I do not see how you can compare Arthur Blessitt to King David because King David owned up to what he did in the end and did not try to erase history. David was very sorry for what he had done and feared the Holy Spirit will be taken away from him. We do not see King David covering up these things like John Middlemas has described.
    In addition, I am glad that this post is still here unlike Mega1Happyman because he does not understand how it has helped others to move on.

  69. Google search is getting very interesting because it kind of associates people with others e.g when doing a search for Arthur Blessitt you get "people also search for Matt Crouch, Paul Crouch, Jan Crouch, RT Kendall, Paul Crouch Jr."
    When you do a search for RT Kendall, you get "people also search for Martyn Lloyd Jones, Pail Cain, David Rosen, Arthur Blessitt, John Paul Jackson"
    Do a search for Martyn Lloyd-Jones you get "people also search for John Stott, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, J.I. Packer, George Whitefield"
    Do a search for Paul Cain you get " people also search for Mike Bickle, Jack Deere, Rick Joyner, John Wimber, Todd Bentley
    Its almost like Google is able to paint a picture of what has happened

  70. "Judge not or you shall be judged" is the most misquoted and misused verse from the Bible, by both believers and non-believers. I wonder how many really understand the context and meaning of this verse when it comes to discerning/judging right and wrong instead of using it as a pretext to stop anyone pointing out an obvious wrong, especially in fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, which we are told to do so.

    Yes, everyone sins and no one is perfect. Even the most Godly person can fall into temptation, as we have seen in King David from the Bible. In fact, all the characters in the Bible which God has chosen are fallable and have flaws.

    However, to commit a sin or a wrong and then said it came from God, that is inexcusable. Bear in mind that God never contradicts Himself in any way. He cannot say He hates divorce and then turn around to tell one of his most faithful believers to divorce. (At least that is not the God I know, I'm not sure about the rest.)

    Also, the Bible talks seriously about not to stumble others. To be an evangelist of such high profile, the action has obviously a stumbling effect. Again, don't tell me God told him to do so even when the act will stumble.

    With all these in mind, how much credibility can a person still have as a preacher and testimony of God?

  71. Arthur Blessit thinks he is a rock star I wonder where his wife is now What a blow it must have been to her and for the God he speaks of and follows to tell him to dump her He is a jerk He is vain He should have been working to support his family Christ already carried his cross He doesn't need any hammy imitators who do it for their glory where is his first wife church people phee u !!! ajc

  72. What more can I say, was looking for a modern evangelist to introduce to my little son who loves Jesus and found Blessit on Youtube. Read his story on Wikipedia and then got curious on how "S" had become "D", well its obvious how I got here! Lord strengthen beyond the testimonies of other men!

  73. I met Arthur Blessit and Denise on a cruise from the Falkland Islands to North Africa in 1994 or 1995. I am not a Christian so the religious aspect was of no interest to me. They seemed nice enough but I thought he was a bit daft. Denise seemed more normal and I wondered how she put up with his obsession. I see they’re still married. To each his own. I guess he’s harmless.

  74. Arthur Blessit and so many others like him stay in the ministry because they are making money. If the money stopped, they would be gone. Every time I have seen him on TV, he comes across as a little odd, so I came here looking for answers. I guess I got them. I don't judge him, but neither would I have much confidence in him. God will honor His word, even from a sinner, so that is between Arthur and his God.

  75. Yes, Duvalgal, if there were no money in it, he wouldn’t continue. Billy Graham was a prime example of this phenomenon. If the money dried up they’d find a new scam.

  76. I have no idea what this is about. Can someone fill in the blanks? I know about Arthur Blessit but I cannot make head or tail of this post.

  77. Because of the fact of him trying so desperately to write her out if his life with hardly a mention..andvremarruing right away..he must have been cheatingvrvrn if emotionally while still married..hisvheart is hardened..sherrie gave him 7 children all the while him gone. It must have berm quite a sacrifice.i met him once 25 yrs ago .his face shined of he proclaims God told him to do this?? Shame..he gave up his gift of being a true Shepard ..

  78. A true Christian will have grace and mercy on any of God's children that fall. We ALL sin. Jesus died for ALL sins (for those of you that are pointing fingers at Arthur Blessitt). Those of you that are throwing stones at this man have not counted your own sins. Divorce, jugdement against others, lust, lies, anger, cursing, pride, greed, I could go on and on. These are all sins and I know all of us including you on this post have sinned and will continue to sin as long as you have breath. Read your bibles and leave this beautiful man alone. God bless you Arthur! God bless Sherry, God bless your children and God bless Denise! Thank you for your continued effort to share the love of Christ.

  79. How can these publicity-loving preachers go and preach to others to give up their sin and live for Jesus when they do the opposite? How can they preach family values and get divorced so they can marry some younger cutie? They're hypocrites, say one thing, do another!

  80. Preachers love publicity, but hate to live by the same standards of holiness they preach to others. REPENT! they preach, but they aren't willing to make certain sacrifices to live a godly life. Jesus said, whosoever divorceth his wife and marries another committeth adultery. Has Jesus changed with the times?

  81. God did not give anyone permission to judge anyone. In fact God forbids judging. Why are you judging a Christian leader while you are sinning yourself? The Kingdom of God is not about correcting. Jesus said to be one. Jesus sees how we are relating to our brothers and sisters in His Kingdom. When we violate God's Word and don't love everyone are we going to Heaven? God's Word says, "Not everyone who says, Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But he who does the will of the Father." Is judging doing God's will? It's not enough to be saved to get to Heaven. God said we can't practice sin.

  82. Its not just Arthur Blessit. Its everyone around him in the ministry too. All of them are out for personal gain and glory and taking our money. All fake! I was almost going to be in this kind of ministry and thank God I was prevented. Right now I am a nobody but a somebody to God.

  83. It is not too late for Arthur to repent. The Door, Yahshua haMashiach, is yet open for all to repent and enter so that He might dine with us! But it is about to close. AMN


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