Tuesday 5 December 2006

Pastorpreneurs and other mythical creatures

As a linguist now in his fifth decade of study, I've been able to see my native language change before my very eyes. First we had documentaries. As these morphed into various forms, they became docudramas--mockumentaries--advomentaries. But a word has been coined that puts together two words that--in an ideal world--would have nothing to do with each other: Pastor and Entrepreneur.

A Pastorpreneur is one who uses his position as an expositor of God's Word to rake in the Mammon. But Pastorpreneur is an oxymoron; Jesus had a better word for a Shepherd who's just in it for the money.

He called him a Hireling.

1 comment:

  1. This is EXACTLY what my husband teaches. In fact, he told two preachers this and one said he had a demon. lol


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