Tuesday 25 January 2005

"Nigerian Scam" variant from Italy--not a very professional job

Dear Friend,

My name is Mrs.Magerete Kamsojide.I am the wife of Late Sebastian Kamsojide,
an oil dealer in Sao Tome and Principles.

My husband was an oil merchant and a Christian convert and as fate may have
it, he died in 2003. Doctors confirmed that he died of cardiac arrest. During
his life time, he deposited in a Storage in Europe, a trunk box containing
$22M USD.I am quite sure that he did not disclosed to the Storage Company
that the real content of the trunk was cash in US Dollars rather, he registered
the trunk box as diplomatic immunities for the safety of the box. Before
he died, he willed this money to any good Christian/Christian organization
for the propagation of gospel because according to him, he was saved through
gospel. I am now ready to carry out his wishes and must never have any hand
in that which was willed for God?s work.

If you are interested in using this money for its purpose, write back to
me immediately and I will link you up with his in-law in London, UK for
all the assistance you could need to retrieve the box. When you start corresponding
with this his in-law, you must not let him to know that the trunk contains
money because I am convinced that he does not know but has the papers with

I am waiting.

Mrs.Magerete Kamsojide

Note: Misspelling of the name São Tomé e Príncipe
Note: An appeal to the Christian religion by someone who has no understanding of its ethical foundation in the 8th Commandment
Note: Nobody is going to stuff millions of dollars in a trunk and just leave it there! They'll use banks in Switzerland or the Caiman Islands.
Note: If he wanted it to go to God's work, why didn't he already give it?
Note: As if the lady is just going to just give all the money to the first person to email her back.
Note: His in-law in London was never offered this deal, but she spreads it on the entire internet?!
Note: His death was over a year ago, and she still hasn't found anyone to get her trunk out!

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